Cindy Knight Clinic Online Newsletter

Welcome to the Cindy Knight Clinic online Newsletter. Check this site for the latest information, special offers and new treatments.

Friday, 24 April 2009

Di goes on holiday!!


Just a quick note to let you all know that I am off on holiday for 3 weeks from tomorrow morning (25th April to 17th May) - Leah will have the phone and the diary so appointments can be made through the usual number. She will also be in contact with Cindy should you have any questions or issues you need to discuss. Cindy will be manning the emails.

Cindy is then on holiday for one week from 16th May. Well earned I hear you all say!

As a little teaser I can confirm that there will be a special filler price day at the end of June - Tuesday 30th June to be precise - so if you want to book early please do. Dermal fillers will be £260 per syringe on that day. Botox will not form part of special filler day prices at the Clinic as it a prescription medicine.

Anyway I will be sipping Mojitos in Miami Airport this time tomorrow hopefully and it remains for me to say to you all in this sunny weather - KEEP USING SUNBLOCK - sun damage equals wrinkled skin!


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