Cindy Knight Clinic Online Newsletter

Welcome to the Cindy Knight Clinic online Newsletter. Check this site for the latest information, special offers and new treatments.

Wednesday 27 June 2007

Our advert in Kent County Magazine...

For all those lucky enough to get the Kent County Magazine through their door, please take a look at our advert, which is centred around our new Accent RF treatment.

I have added a video to the newsletter which explains how the Accent system works.

The following links also relate to the Accent machine and its capabilities:

News reports

Media information



Thursday 21 June 2007

Embarrassing Illnesses!

For anyone that tunes in to Channel 4's Embarrassing Illnesses, you might notice that a number of patients have problems that can be cured at the Cindy Knight Clinic.

For example, tonight's program showed a man who suffered from hair growth over his right shoulder. This can easily be treated by undertaking our IPL treatment, which has the double benefit of lightening any pigmentation lying beneath the hair.

A few weeks ago a patient had problems with excessive sweating - this is known as hyperhidrosis. The doctor suggested that they have Botox injections which would reduce the sweating dramatically. This treatment is also performed at the Cindy Knight Clinic for £500 for both armpits.

IPL treatment can also be used for acne reduction.

Leah is our IPL practitioner and works on Tuesday and Wednesday. On two Wednesdays a month she works until 8pm.

Remember to wear your sunblocks guys - we carry the Skinceuticals range of sunblock as well as the Theraderm Platinum Protection sunblock. If you want to order one ring me and I can take your order over the phone.

That's it for this week. Oh and I have a few spaces for the microdermabrasion day on 17th July. Ring the Clinic for details - 01732 832004. Oh and if you are feeling generous please sponsor my mate who is running for the Marie Curie Cancer Charity. See the widget to the right!

Diana (this is me in a rare photogenic moment)

Wednesday 6 June 2007

Special Microdermabrasion day!

To celebrate Leah's return to the clinic from maternity leave we are having a special microdermabrasion day on Tuesday 17th July. Leah will be doing the treatments at a special rate of £60 instead of the regular price of £85. Please book now to avoid disappointment.

Leah is returning to the clinic each Tuesday and Wednesday and will be the IPL practitioner. So ring for an appointment for issues with hair, pigmentation and acne.

Leah's little bady daughter Tiegan Bethany Knight is now 5 months old and will be starring in Friday's Kent and Sussex Courier for "Best Baby" competition. If you want to help Leah increase Tiegan's chances of winning please buy the Courier and vote vote vote!!

The filler day is now chocablock but we will be running another one in January 2008.

I have had a lot of positive feedback about the newsletter so I will continue to post it on a weekly-ish basis. However I will only forward it to everyone on a monthly basis so you are not too bombarded with emails!

Speak to you all again.
