Cindy Knight Clinic Online Newsletter

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Friday 24 April 2009

Di goes on holiday!!


Just a quick note to let you all know that I am off on holiday for 3 weeks from tomorrow morning (25th April to 17th May) - Leah will have the phone and the diary so appointments can be made through the usual number. She will also be in contact with Cindy should you have any questions or issues you need to discuss. Cindy will be manning the emails.

Cindy is then on holiday for one week from 16th May. Well earned I hear you all say!

As a little teaser I can confirm that there will be a special filler price day at the end of June - Tuesday 30th June to be precise - so if you want to book early please do. Dermal fillers will be £260 per syringe on that day. Botox will not form part of special filler day prices at the Clinic as it a prescription medicine.

Anyway I will be sipping Mojitos in Miami Airport this time tomorrow hopefully and it remains for me to say to you all in this sunny weather - KEEP USING SUNBLOCK - sun damage equals wrinkled skin!


Thursday 9 April 2009

Botox is 20 years old!

It’s difficult to believe that it’s a full 20 years since Botulinum toxin (Botox) was approved for human use. However, the Sun newspaper has marked its birthday this month by reminding its readers not just of the cosmetic benefits of Botox, but also of its health transforming features, including the alleviation of excessive sweating, migraine and back pain and even its use in the treatment of obesity in a recent trial by the University of Milan, Italy.

This month news from both sides of the Atlantic featured the fact that there has been a sharp rise in men having Botox treatment to enhance not just their appearance but their careers. Simon Cowell has even been quoted as saying that he has had Botox and ‘ it’s no more unusual than toothpaste’. ‘Manscaping’ as it’s known in the US, has seen a rise in popularity with an estimated 300,000 men in the US having Botox every six weeks, and Allergan, the American Botox manufacturer, has reported a 30% surge of Botox sales amongst men since November.
Botox is considered to be particularly popular as it has a relatively low cost and no downtime, reports Dr Philip Stallman, a facial cosmetic surgeon in California. "A confident, alert appearance is part of the masculine ideal," notes Dr. Stallman, "and a youthful look is a hugely desirable trait, especially for men competing for jobs in the workplace. Many of my patients find that procedures like… BOTOX injections can minimize perceived generation gaps, giving them the confidence boost they need to achieve an edge in their careers."